Wednesday 11 August 2010

Basic writing tips, and sites of interest for writers.

My passion for blogging, and fiction writing is growing by the day. Lately i have spent a great deal of time online, and with my head in books looking for writing tips, and how to blog for money ( see earlier post ) Over the next few weeks i intend to share the best tips and writing sites with you. To begin with, here are a few basic writing tips, i hope you find them helpful, and as before i am in no way being paid to write this, or endorse any of the sites mentioned.

1) Get the title done first.-This way you can focus your thoughts and ideas on the task. Design the title around the central theme or message.
 To come up with a title...
a) Get a blank piece of paper or document.
b) Set a timer for 10 minutes.
c) Write as many titles as you can in the alloted time.

When writing your titles, don't think about it too much, write anything that comes into your head. After all, you don't have to use them, and can always disregard them after the ten minutes.If none of them are any good, this will at least point you in the right direction. If you don't like any of the titles you come up with, simply repeat the exercise.
2) Use quotation marks correctly.- Most people make the mistake of using quotation marks to emphasize or identify a statement, or phrase, however quotation marks should only be used to identify the exact words spoken by someone.                                                                                                                        

3) Stop using exclamation marks.- Personally, i am terrible for this! See can't even take my own advice o the matter. Seriously though, it can make you seem over excited, and well...a little shrill.

4) Use short sentences.- By relaxing and writing in short simple sentences, you begin to write a lot more clearly. When trying to elaborate on sentences, and add phrases, you can begin to struggle, and your writing can become stilted.                                                                                                                   

5) Always keep it simple. - A lot of writers are so concerned with developing a writing style, they cram in unnecessary detail. Remember your writing style will shine through when you just keep it simple.

Sites of interest.
For the best blogging ad writing tips, here area few of the most informative sites i have found so far. Personally i found Storytellers unplugged to be the most interesting, and informative for fiction writers. With some of the best writers on the market today providing extremely use full information on all aspects of writing.                           
Problogger- Simply click on the link, includes 10 great tips for bloggers.
Hub pages- Many ways to make money from your writing.
Writing world- Includes many helpful links.

If there is anything i can help with..

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