If i have to read one more blog post about what you had for breakfast ( with photos for goodness sake ) I am going to scream! This is the sort of blog post, i have come across time and time again when browsing blogs, looking for ideas for my own posts. And then there are the pro blogger, who insist you need to find a niche for your blog, and stick to it.
Personally i don't agree. There may be several things you are interested in writing about, and why should you have a different blog for each one? That's just not good time management. How are you going to find your blogging voice, if you just write about one thing, and who really wants to spend hours reading a blog about model airplanes? The main thing is blogging is supposed to be fun. There are five main types of blog pots, why not try your hand at each of them and see what suits you? Find your blogging voice, and have fun.
The personal experience post.
This is simply a written account of something you have experienced. Try and make it an experience that will interest people ( please no more accounts of what you've had for breakfast, lunch or any other meal.) It doesn't have to be dramatic, as long as readers can relate. Maybe the experience has taught you a lesson some how, or changed your view point, or helped you understand a situation you otherwise would not have understood.
The real life drama post.
It is truly amazing what some people go through and live to tell the tale. If you can put into words an account of your , or someone Else's dramatic true life tale, then you will have something unique your readers will be interested in reading. If you can't find anyone who has had such an experience, then write about something you have seen on the news or read in your local newspaper. Such stories are all around us, fires, flood, tornado's or even someone who has been reunited with a long lost relative. These events happen to the people in our lives every day.
The personality post.
This type of post is a sort of profile, or interview. OK, so you are not going to get the chance to interview Brad Pitt, but there are thousands of UN known people who are unique, and would be interesting to readers. People are interested in people, what they are like, what they have to say, and what they are doing with their lives. A really great way do to this type of post and get your blog noticed, is to find some one who writes a blog you enjoy, and ask if you can do a profile of them on your blog. Chances are they will then write about your post on their blog,n attracting their readers instantly. Ask them what tips or advice they have to offer ( especially good if you do have a niche blog.) What they have learnt in the time they have been blogging, etc.
The opinion post.
Pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Especially good if you have a strong opinion on a controversial subject. You will evoke just as strong a reaction from your reader, and they will comment on your blog, starting a discussion, which in turn will get people coming back to your blog time, and time again.
The how-to post.
Again, great if you do have a niche blog, but great to add variety to your blog. Share your knowledge on what you want to talk about, tips you have picked up, even cooking recipes you have found particularly good. Base your articles on your personal experiences and what you have to offer from your own life. You don't have to be an expert ( I am certainly not ) you just have to tell people what you have found to work for you.
Trying out each of these different methods, can only serve to enrich your blogs content, and offer more variety for your readers, even if they only return to your blog to see what you are going to write about next, it can't be bad can it?
Hi Emma,
ReplyDeleteSurfing in via BlogUpp. You are totally right about the several blogs not being great for time management. Where were you five years ago when I started blogging? LOL. I am now frantically trying to consolidate all my blogs into one location.
very impressive post
ReplyDeletedo not miss my blogging tips
Hi guys. Thanks Dee, ouch 7 blogs that must be a bloody nightmare. Can't you combine a few and just copy and paste your posts from some to the one you want to keep, maybe? Nice to meet you both and thanks for your comments :) Emma
ReplyDeleteYes, Yes and Yes again. I've just started my own blog in the last few days and feel I'm doing a pretty good job with it. It's not Niche, but based on my personal experiences in life and lessons learned along with things that are relevant to me - mental health, wellness, parenting and current events (sometimes).
ReplyDeleteI'd never be able to make daily posts about ONE subject! And like you say, it gets boring, who wants to write it or read it? Would feel to me like I'm just banging on about the same thing over and over.
Besides I want my blog to really help and reach out to people, touch people, connect people. I think you achieve that wonderfully and I've found one other blogger so far that does that too.
Keep up the good work, I'll be following this blog for sure!
Hi sweetdeanie, exactly it, with a niche blog you are just basically banging on about the same thing..variety is the spice of life as they say :) Thank you for the lovely compliments and following my blog.I am on my way over to yours now coz it sounds great. Mental health issues are tough to deal with it is very admirable that you choose to write about them. I suffer with mental health issues myself, and i must admit i rarely have the guts to write about it due to the fact that people rarely understand...well done you and thanks again. Emma x