When it comes to the crunch and you actually sit down to write, it can be a little overwhelming to know where to start. So, I've compiled a few tips that i have picked up and found helpful to get the creative juices flowing.
Writing tips, and where to start.
- Spend at least half an hour a day writing.- If you are trying to write while having a full time job and family, then it may be an idea to write a journal in your spare minutes. Write wherever, and whenever you can. If you continuously hone your craft, you will find it easier to get into a creative frame of mind, and writing will become easier over time so when you sit down to write your article/book/short story/blog you won't find yourself staring at a blank screen for long periods of time.
2. Keep a notebook.- Take your notebook everywhere. Write snatches of conversations, arguments, and describe places that you visit. If you are sat on a bus or train, then describe the appearance of another passenger. Imagine and describe their personality's, and background. You will soon have a rich resource of topics to write about, characters to use, and settings for places to use.
3. Read as much as possible in a wide range of genres.- This will help keep you aware of what topics are popular, and selling well. Use what has already been written to spark off you're own ideas. I don't mean copy other peoples work, but maybe you can expand or play around with ideas that have already been used.
4. Start by creating your characters, and their backgrounds. If you know your characters inside out their dialogue will match their personality's, and backgrounds. Characters without a background are flat and uninteresting. Picture your character, and describe them. Do they have flaws in their appearance or character?
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