I am 30 years old, and have been blogging for about a year. In my blog i write about how to earn money from blogging, writing tips, and humorous thoughts, and observations about my life. I intend to add a new page filled with short stories (mainly horror) and really need some feedback, good or bad. So please comment. I will also be featuring guest posts and cool story extracts from Wattpad
I also write reviews on products, and sites. I want to state that I am paid for the reviews in this blog, although i am not paid to write or about or endorse any of the sites mentioned in my "tips and advice, or how to" posts, or to write the posts themselves, and want to make my readers aware of this.
Please feel free to comment, criticize, and discuss on my blog. If i can help with anything and you want to contact me personally,my contact details are below. Thank you
Contact details.
Email: meami_5@live.com
Tel 07549392259