Sunday, 12 September 2010

Going ape!

Friday night, the kids were in bed, and the big brother final was on. When almighty hell broke loose outside. Some idiot was screaming and shouting at the top of his lungs. This went on for about twenty minutes, when i finally lost my rag. I stormed outside to be greeted by one very drunk man, pacing up and down the street, yelling " SADIE, SADIE, COME HERE GIRL."

" Excuse me, but my children are in bed trying to sleep, do you mind keeping your voice down?"

I asked politely, with murder in my eyes.

" I've lost my dog."

The drunken man whined.

" Alright, but you've been shouting for twenty minutes, she obviously isn't here, can you just keep it down? My kids are sleeping."

In reply to which i received a torrent of abuse. Now, i have to admit when it comes to drunks, i am definitely not the most tolerant of people, so at this point i completely lost my rag, and became what i can only describe as "hopping mad." I definitely even hopped a little. Rant over, i stormed back inside, to find my husband rolling on the floor laughing.

" What the hell is so funny?"

I pouted. Giving him the glare. ( the "watch it, or no sex for a month" type glare.) So, he finally stopped laughing long enough to tell me;

" You looked so fierce, and hard out there, giving this big bloke what for, with your bright blue dressing gown, covered in cute little monkeys."

I looked down, and sure enough i was wearing the dressing gown my seven year old daughter picked out for me last Christmas, grinning monkeys covering every inch. The whole damn street has now witnessed my bad ass attitude, while sporting the un-sexiest nightwear known to man...or monkey, for that matter! Hmmm.... maybe Ben can do the school run for a while.

My writing projects have been going well this week. I wrote a short story called "Taking Liberty" ( it's in my blog, so if you want to take a peek, and tell me what you think, you can find the link in my archives and links tab, at the top of this page.) I submitted the story to a writing review site, and the response has been amazing! One of the reviews said:

" I would not be surprised to find this in a book of short story's i just paid good money for. Excellent twist, and commercial quality."

I'm thrilled! I also wrote a guest post for a great site called piggybankpie. It's a great site for bloggers. The article is called "Ways to overcome writers block" . There are some great tips in there, and something for everyone, so check it out at piggybankpie


  1. found you through BlogUP. good stuff, i think i will follow you now. not in a stalker kinda way, more of a public on google connect kinda way. have a great day~

  2. Haha, great to meet you poet, i'm thrilled you like my blog! One good turn deserves another so i will try and find your site and follow you right back ;)
