In my previous post, i uncovered some strategies to make money from your blog. Making money from blog posting is only easy when you are made aware of the resources available to you. So here are a few tips, and tricks to help you on your way. Once again, i am in no way being paid to write this post, or endorse any of the sites mentioned.
While looking for ways to make money blogging i came across payperpost, o desk, and blogitive. All great resources to earn money from your blog posts.
Simply click here to register to payperpost free, and submit your blog. You will then be given assignments to write posts for advertisers, being paid per post, or per word, depending on the length of the assignment.
click here to sign up free to blogitive. Then add your blog url. Blogitive will then evaluate your blog, and notify you within two working days if you have been accepted, then as with payperpost, just wait for the job offers,and accept the tasks you want to do to start making money from your blog.
click here to register free to odesk for access to hundreds of available new jobs daily. Once you have registered, and set up your profile, you don't even have to wait until jobs are offered to you as with payperpost, and blogitive, as you can search the hundreds of jobs suited to your strengths, and apply for them right away.
Multiple blogs.
It is a good idea to use multiple 'niche blogs', and the best way to earn money with this method, as just using one blog with payperpost etc. Will not amount to much income. Submitting multiple blogs to payperpost, and blogitive will get you more assignments. Personally, i recommend odesk, as they have the largest amount of paid job offers available. Of course the other great advantage to having multiple blogs, is that you can use your google adsense account. ( see "how to make money from your blog" previous post ) to post ads on all your blogs, therefore multiplying your income from your adverts. If you need to set up an adsense account
click here.
Click bank.
A way of making money by selling, and promoting products on your blog. click here to sign up for a free clickbank account, where you will find millions of products to promote, and sell. Choose what type of products interest you, or are relevant to your blog, get your product link ( this will be unique to you ) and add the links on your blog. Any sales made this way will earn you a percentage. You can do this as many times as you like, with as many products as you like.
Traffic exchange.
Sometimes it takes a lot of time, and effort ( and lets face it, sometimes just good luck ) to build up traffic to your blog. If you are using a method such as adsense, or clickbank to make money from your blog, then traffic really is vital. A great way to get free advertising for your blog is by using a traffic exchange such as " i love hits" or trafficg. To set up a free account at a traffic exchange click here.
Traffic exchange's work by, clicking on and surfing other peoples websites Each time you visit a site, you in exchange get one credit, or visit to your site. Using a traffic exchange is not the best method to gain traffic, as people are often busy clicking for credits for their sites, to bother about paying a great deal of attention to yours. However, if your website is eye catching enough, and contains content that interests people, they will take the time to properly visit your site, possibly clicking on your ads and buying your products.
I hope you find this information helpful. Please feel free to add any tips of your own, comment, or ask anything you like, and if i can help, i will.
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