Some of you may know that im getting married in july.Unlike other friends and couples we are doing this as cheaply as we possibly can.I mean who has 10grand+ to spend on 1 day?Certainly not me!The biggest expense for our wedding will be the mariage liscence,and the wedding rings! I even got my dress cheap and customized it with swarzki crystals.I'd rather have any extra money i have on the honeymoon!Anyway,i just do not understand why people feel the need to spend thousands on their wedding's?As far as i'm concerned our wedding day is about just the two of us,standing up in front of our friend's and relatives,and commiting ourselves to each other.(pass the sick bucket right?).
Anyway what i REALLY want to know is year's ago marriage was less of a choice and more of a nessecity.I mean back then couples "courted"for a long time.There was no sneaky under the clothes fondling back then.If you were serious about the woman you married her,plain and simple!What i want to know is how did they afford these weddings?It's not like the average man's wages were high,family's strrugled to get by.Although im pretty sure both party's were eager to get down the isle and get to the honeymoon part.And so the money got found from somewhere.
No sex before marriage is a great and honourable thing (my own brother managed it (and his wife is drop dead gorgeous)how he restrained himself,i do not know!If you do have the willpower to abstain untill you're wedding day.what then? I mean,how awkward is that fumble under the sheets going to be on what is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives?? Sounds a bit cringeworthy to me.I mean what if you wait all that time,get married,and then discover on you're wedding night,that you're partner is awfull in bed!!! *cringe*I guess practice makes perfect and you can have great fun finding out how to float each other's boats (wink).
Somepeople stay together 10 years or so and never get married.I mean why would they though?The bloke gets to have his cake and eat it without spending a penny!
Im sure men all over the country are saying to their partner's right now "babe we've been rock solid all these years.Why do we need a piece of paper to prove i love you?" or "yes darling when we eventually have enough money(he would prob be working minimum wage and knows full well,that they will NEVER have enough money) of course we'll get married!
Any of this familiar to you lady's? Or maybe it's you're fella that wants to tie the knot and the excuses are you'rs.Anyway,weddings love or hate them,planning on doing it or not....remember this scince us women were very young we've had everything,and i mean everything,the dress the flowers etc.picked out and dreamt about.With our groom in his suit,face blacked out untill mr right comes along and we can paste his face on the suit of our groom!So be sensative lads,we had our wedding planned when you're mums were still wiping you're noses for you!
by Emma carter
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